
Financial institutions reveal Pelosi has made huge profits from stock investments recently.


Recently, a financial platform specializing in congressional insider trading revealed that former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has repeatedly made investments in the stock market that resulted in substantial profits.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's position in Nvidia stock has been enormously profitable, analysts tracking transactions of Congress members and their families have found.

Unusual Whales, a financial services platform focused on congressional insider trading, said Wednesday that Pelosi has gained nearly $4 million through call options for Nvidia purchased by her husband Paul Pelosi in November last year. These call options allow investors to buy stocks at a predetermined price.

"She gained 210% in 197 days but has not yet sold these call options. Pelosi's gain is twenty times her salary," Unusual Whales wrote on the X platform. "Her portfolio is near an all-time high, up 93%."

Christopher Josephs, co-founder of the Autopilot app, told FOX Business that although it is difficult to precisely determine Pelosi's initial investment amount due to the range shown in the documents being between $1 million and $5 million, Unusual Whales' figures seem accurate.

"This year, Pelosi's portfolio hasn't only been successful with Nvidia, her other stocks have also performed well, including CrowdStrike Holdings Inc, up 45% year-to-date, and Google, up 27%," Josephs told FOX.

"We estimate her year-to-date performance based on stock filings to be 28%, outpacing SPY by 16.5%."

When asked for a comment on the matter, Pelosi's spokesperson stated, "Speaker Pelosi herself does not hold any stocks nor has any prior knowledge or participation in any transactions." FOX Business also contacted Paul Pelosi for comment.

The statement from Pelosi's office is almost identical to one provided to FOX News Digital in 2022 by the former speaker's communications director. At that time, one of Paul Pelosi's Nvidia transactions was under intense scrutiny.

That year, Paul Pelosi purchased over $1 million in Nvidia call options just weeks before Congress voted to provide substantial subsidies to the chip manufacturing industry. He later sold them following criticism of the timing.








Investing refers to the act of allocating funds or other resources into certain assets or projects with the expectation of obtaining future returns or benefits. The primary aim of investing is usually to enhance asset value, achieve financial goals, preserve and grow value, or accomplish a specific objective.




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