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nutexx.com is a Contract for Difference (CFD) broker whose domain was registered on August 6, 2024. This broker primarily offers a wide range of financial derivative trading services, including stocks, futures, crude oil, gold, cryptocurrencies, and forex to both individual and institutional clients. It does not provide services to areas where it may violate local laws or regulations.

Corporate Information and Regulatory Status

According to publicly available information on the official website, NUTEX GROUP LIMITED is the corporate entity behind nutexx.com, using "NUTEX" as its brand name and registered in London, United Kingdom. The platform claims to be regulated by the U.S. Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) with an MSB number 3100023412680. However, the platform has not disclosed detailed terms of service or legal documents on its website, raising questions about its legitimacy due to the lack of this critical information.




Further verification shows that the MSB number 31000234126807, listed on the FinCEN website, actually belongs to SSJTCF GROUP LIMITED, not NUTEX GROUP LIMITED. Moreover, there are no records of "NUTEX GROUP LIMITED" found on the Companies House and UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) websites.

It is noteworthy that the webpage design and content of nutexx.com closely resemble other known scam brokers such as aaaxmpro, FIL Trade Limited, and CYOWV. These websites typically use the same template, further adding to their suspicious nature.





Account Opening Process

To open an account on nutexx.com, users need to visit the broker's official website, click the "Register" button on the homepage or in the upper right corner of the page, and enter the registration page. After filling in the email address and setting a password as required, the application form is submitted and the account is successfully created. Upon logging into the account, users must also complete identity verification to make deposits and conduct transactions.


Trading Account Information

nutexx.com does not disclose key trading information on its website, such as spreads, leverage, or contract sizes. Moreover, the platform does not provide any clear information on account types, trading commissions, trade volume limits, or margin levels. This lack of transparency can expose users to many uncertainties and risks when using the platform.

Trading Platform

nutexx.com provides a self-developed trading platform named "NUTEX," which only supports web and mobile versions. The platform claims to have over 50 technical indicators and intraday trading tools suited for advanced traders. However, users who download the mobile application through the link provided on the official website find the software is named Proket on the App Store and Em Max on Google Play, which raises doubts about the legality of these applications and poses usage risks.


Deposits and Withdrawals

nutexx.com does not provide detailed explanations on its website regarding its supported deposit and withdrawal methods, related fees, or minimum deposit and withdrawal amounts.


Nutexx.com is actually a scam website with no company entity and no regulatory oversight. Additionally, the platform lacks transparency, and users can only contact them via email, which further raises doubts about its credibility. To protect their assets from potential loss, investors are advised to choose brokers with transparent information, strict regulation, and a good reputation.

Currently, Nutexx.com has been labeled as "Suspected Fraud" on Traderknows.

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FAQ About nutexx.com


What is nutexx.com's official website?

A: nutexx.com's official website is https://www.nutexx.com


Is nutexx.com a legitimate company, or is it a scam?

A: nutexx.com is currently marked as Suspected Fraud on TraderKnows.


What is nutexx.com?

A: nutexx.com is a CFD, Brokerage company.

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