SSJTCF GROUP LIMITED. (SSJTCF) is a foreign exchange broker established in the UK in 2018, headquartered in London. For global customers, the company mainly provides news and information, financial calendar, customer service, market analysis, etc. The official website of the company claims to be regulated by the U.S. MSB. But with the provided number, the company is SUNDELL LIMITED, not SSJTCF Group Limited. SSJTCF is not subject to any regulatory authorities and is suspected of being a fraudulent company. Investors should be cautious in choosing the services provided by the company and avoid falling into scam traps.
SSJTCF's competitors are First Ratio Limited, 24NewsTrade, K-Securities&Consultants, Traders Securities, Daxbase, and Marex. Its official website is , supports English and Traditional Chinese. According to Whois, the domain name of SSJTCF was registered in 2023.
The physical information of the company has not been found on the UK government official website, and the specific office address has not been announced yet. The operational status of the company at is "suspected fraud". Traderknows reminds you once again: protect your own property security and avoid falling into fraud traps.