Suspected Fraud
Suspected Fraud


  • Crypto
  • Brokerage
1-2 năm

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cryptofastminersfx.com is a broker registered in 2023, primarily offering trading services for binary options, forex, and cryptocurrencies. For customer support, cryptofastminersfx.com provides multiple contact methods, including email and online customer service, to help clients get assistance and support.

Company Background:

cryptofastminersfx.com is a trading platform headquartered in the United States that provides services for binary options, forex, and cryptocurrency trading. The platform claims to be committed to offering a variety of trading products and services to clients worldwide. Its official website is cryptofastminersfx.com, with the domain registered on August 9, 2023, indicating the company has been established for less than a year.

Although the company claims its office is located in California, critical details about the company entity, leadership, and registration information remain unclear and undisclosed in public channels. Moreover, the platform's website bears a striking resemblance in content and design to other brokers such as dropowermarket and Fxtrademining, suggesting they might be using the same website template. This similarity raises questions about its independence and credibility.

While cryptofastminersfx.com offers a variety of trading services, the lack of adequate company information disclosure and the similarity of the website template necessitate caution for investors choosing this platform.

Domain registration time of cryptofastminersfx.com

(The below shows the homepage of dropowermarket)

Homepage of dropowermarket

Regulatory Status:

cryptofastminersfx.com claims its business is regulated by the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the International Financial Services Commission of Belize (IFSC), and the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC). However, upon verification, no information about cryptofastminersfx.com is found in the registration and regulatory records of these financial regulatory bodies. This situation suggests that the company's claimed regulatory status might be false.

This lack of transparency raises doubts about the company's integrity, and investors should be cautious about its claimed regulatory status. To ensure the safety of funds, investors should thoroughly investigate and verify the platform's actual regulatory status before proceeding with any transactions. Only after confirming the platform is indeed legally regulated should investors consider trading to avoid potential risks.

Trading Products:

cryptofastminersfx.com is a U.S.-based trading platform offering a variety of trading products to meet the investment needs of global clients. Its primary trading products include binary options, forex, and CFDs. Binary options trading allows investors to earn profits by predicting asset price movements, while forex trading covers a wide range of currency pairs, offering abundant trading opportunities. CFD trading allows investors to trade based on price differences without holding the actual asset, covering various asset classes such as stocks, commodities, and indices.

Trading products of cryptofastminersfx.com

In addition, cryptofastminersfx.com focuses on blockchain technology investment and offers a variety of cryptocurrency trading services. Major cryptocurrencies available for trading include Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ethereum Classic (ETC), and Ripple (XRP). The company is committed to promoting the adoption and innovation of blockchain technology, providing clients with a unique trading experience by combining the advantages of traditional finance and emerging blockchain technology.


Account Types:

cryptofastminersfx.com offers four different account types to meet various investors' needs. These account types include Starter, Silver, Gold, and Premium, each providing different features and advantages to deliver diverse trading experiences and comprehensive support.

  • Starter account is suitable for novice investors, with a minimum deposit of $500. This account offers 24x365 customer support, professional charts, trading alerts, and a basic version of Trading Central.
  • Silver account is for intermediate investors, with deposits ranging from $2000 to $10000. In addition to 24x365 customer support, professional charts, and trading alerts, the Silver account also offers an intermediate version of Trading Central and a $1000 bonus.
  • Gold account is for advanced investors, with deposits ranging from $10000 to $100000. The Gold account offers a professional version of Trading Central, expert online trading guidance, and a $2000 bonus, in addition to 24x365 customer support, professional charts, and trading alerts.
  • Premium account is designed for large investors, with a deposit amount of over $100000. This account provides an advanced version of Trading Central, expert online trading guidance, SMS and email alerts, and a $4000 bonus, along with 24x365 customer support, professional charts, and trading alerts.
Account types of cryptofastminersfx.com

Minimum Deposit Requirement:

cryptofastminersfx.com offers four different types of accounts, each with specific minimum deposit requirements ranging from $500 for the Starter account to $100000 for the Premium account. The low entry threshold allows beginners to easily enter the market and start trading, while the advanced accounts offer more extensive features and services for more experienced investors. However, investors should carefully assess their investment capacity and risk tolerance when choosing an account type to ensure they select the one that best meets their needs.

Account Registration:

cryptofastminersfx.com provides an account registration process divided into a few simple steps. Users first need to fill in personal basic information, including name, gender, address, email, and phone number. Then, users need to set a secure password to ensure the confidentiality and security of their account information. In the final step of registration, users must select their preferred currency type for future trading operations. Once registration is complete, users can log in to the broker's trading platform using the set account and password to start enjoying the various trading services offered by the platform.

Account registration at cryptofastminersfx.com

Account login at cryptofastminersfx.com

Customer Support:

cryptofastminersfx.com offers several ways for customers to contact and get support. Clients can send an email to info@cryptofastminersfx.com to get in touch with the platform, and the support team will respond as soon as possible to provide assistance. Additionally, an online customer service team is available for direct communication with clients.


cryptofastminersfx.com is a U.S.-based trading platform offering binary options, forex, and cryptocurrency trading services. Although the platform claims to be committed to providing a variety of trading products and services to global clients, it has been established for less than a year. Despite the official website showing the office address is in California, critical details about the company entity, leadership, and registration information remain unclear and undisclosed in public channels. Additionally, the high similarity in design to other brokers' websites raises questions about its independence and credibility. While the platform claims to be regulated by multiple regulatory bodies, verification reveals no information about it in the registration and regulatory records of these agencies, casting doubt on its regulatory status. Therefore, investors should be cautious when choosing this platform for trading, ensuring they are fully informed and assessing potential risks.

Currently, cryptofastminersfx.com is marked as "suspected fraud" on TraderKnows.

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Câu hỏi thường gặp về cryptofastminersfx.com


What is cryptofastminersfx.com's official website?

A: cryptofastminersfx.com's official website is https://www.cryptofastminersfx.com/


Is cryptofastminersfx.com a legitimate company, or is it a scam?

A: cryptofastminersfx.com is currently marked as Suspected Fraud on TraderKnows.


What is cryptofastminersfx.com?

A: cryptofastminersfx.com is a Crypto, Brokerage company.

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