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5-10 years

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Moer.cn, established in 2015, is a financial media company dedicated to providing innovative financial information and services. The platform is controlled by the Shanghai Newspaper Group and has received joint investments from prominent enterprises such as Hongyi Investment, Haitong Securities, Guotai Junan, Xiaomi, 360, and Zhuo'er. Moer.cn is committed to providing investors seeking efficiency with dynamic market news, personalized investment analysis, and related investment products and services, covering a wide range of investment tools including stocks, funds, trusts, bonds, and real estate.

Corporate Background

Moer.cn is operated by Moore Xingling (Beijing) Network Technology Co., Ltd., which was established on December 28, 2015, the same day the website was registered. The company's headquarters is located at 503 inside F305, 5th Building, Courtyard 2, Shi Li Pu, Chaoyang District, Beijing, with a unified social credit code of 91110106MA002TF29U.

Moer Financial registration information

Whois Inquiry

According to information obtained from a Whois inquiry, the official domain name of Moer.cn was registered on June 17, 2009.

Moer Financial whois.com domain age data

Company Vision

Moer.cn aims to become a leader in the financial information services industry by providing high-quality content and customized investment services, helping investors to seize investment opportunities and optimize the investment decision-making process.

Platform and Influence

As a highly influential financial media company, Moer.cn gathers first-class journalists and research teams, providing exclusive news and in-depth analysis that can influence the capital market. The platform not only offers information but also serves as a community where efficient investors and financial professionals can share ideas and discuss market trends.

Moer Financial official website

Products and Services

Moer.cn offers a range of financial products and services, including but not limited to real-time market updates, in-depth investment analysis, and a variety of investment tools. The platform is characterized by the personalization of its content, which includes free and paid articles, and where users can influence the selection of content creators through paid "votes."

Feature Content

Moer.cn's content system emphasizes personalization and interaction, allowing users to direct content creation and provision according to their needs and feedback. Moreover, all original content from Moer.cn is provided to users for free, ensuring the widespread dissemination of high-quality information.


As a cutting-edge financial information service platform, Moer.cn, with its unique service model and strong background support, has become an indispensable source of financial information in the new economic environment. The platform continually drives innovation in financial services, enhancing investment efficiency, and optimizing capital flow. Currently, Moer.cn is marked as "operating normally" on the Traderkonws.

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FAQ About Moer.cn


What is Moer.cn's official website?

A: Moer.cn's official website is https://www.moer.cn/


Is Moer.cn a legitimate company, or is it a scam?

A: Moer.cn is currently marked as Active on TraderKnows.


What is Moer.cn?

A: Moer.cn is a Stock, Media company.

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