

  • Option
  • Liquidity Provider
20-30 years

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Mako is a liquidity provider established in 1999, primarily focused on the options market. It is headquartered in London, United Kingdom and has offices in Amsterdam, Singapore and Sydney.

Founded by David Segel, the company entity is Mako Europe Ltd. The company's main services cover risk management, liquidity provision, systematic trading, automation technology, data-driven solutions, and quantitative models.

Risk Management: Mako is dedicated to helping clients manage risk in their options trading. They offer risk assessment and analysis tools, as well as collaborate with clients to develop risk management strategies.

Liquidity: Mako creates liquidity by providing buy and sell quotes to the market, facilitating flow trading for its clients.

Systematic Trading: Mako offers systematic trading solutions using trading systems and algorithms to execute trades on behalf of clients.

Automation Technology: Mako may utilize automation technology to carry out some trading activities. Automated trading systems can autonomously execute trades based on predefined rules and conditions without manual intervention.

Data-Driven Solutions: Mako relies on vast amounts of market data and analysis to guide its trading decisions.

Quantitative Models: Quantitative models are key tools used by Mako for complex trading strategy research and analysis. These models employ mathematical and statistical methods to model market behavior and provide trading recommendations to clients.

Development History:

1999: Mako Europe Ltd. was established.

2006: Algorithmic trading group was founded.

2007: Close Brothers Group acquired 49.9% non-controlling stake in Mako Group.

2012: Mako Global Investors was set up.

2016: Mako opened Singapore Office.

2017: Mako opened Sydney Office.

2019: Mako opened Amsterdam Office.

Language Support: English

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FAQ About Mako


What is Mako's official website?

A: Mako's official website is http://www.mako.com


Is Mako a legitimate company, or is it a scam?

A: Mako is currently marked as Active on TraderKnows.


What is Mako?

A: Mako is a Option, Liquidity Provider company.

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