HUBx is an original trading community developed by TMGM, allowing ordinary investors and fund managers to co-invest. With its advanced features, it assists fund managers in more effectively and effortlessly managing their clients and risk allocation. Its advanced portfolio adjustment tools help clients have complete control over their investments in a simple and intuitive way. HUBx is a comprehensive platform that combines trading signal sharing, copy trading, and community interaction, offering real, public, and transparent services. It is independently developed by the fintech company LifeByte.
MAM (Multi-Account Manager) is a software designed for the centralized management of multiple accounts, enabling professional traders to efficiently manage multiple accounts. MAM accounts can add an unlimited number of trading accounts, and the allocation mode can be based on both percentage and asset ratio distribution. MAM account orders can be executed in batches, instantly allocated to multiple managed accounts, or executed all at once, making it ideal for fund managers. TMGM clients can directly apply for MAM accounts through their client portal.