
What is a Stock Split? A Few Common Questions About Stock Splits.


A stock split increases the number of a company's shares and decreases the price per share by dividing existing shares into more units.

What is a Stock Split?

A stock split is a corporate action that increases the number of issued shares while correspondingly reducing the price per share, effectively dividing a single share into multiple shares. This means the company splits its existing shares into more, smaller units.

The purpose of a stock split is to make the share price more attractive and accessible, drawing more investors to participate in trading and enhancing liquidity. Generally, a stock split does not materially affect shareholders' proportion of ownership or the total market value, as the increase in the number of shares and the decrease in price per share are proportional.

For example, suppose a company's stock price is $100, and it undergoes a 2:1 stock split. The number of shares each shareholder owns doubles, and the stock price halves to $50. Shareholders still hold the same total value of shares but now have more units of stock.

Stock splits are typically decided by the company's board of directors and require shareholders' approval. The split ratio can be 2:1, 3:1, 5:1, etc., depending on the company's decision and market conditions. The change in the number of shares and their prices after the split is reflected on the stock exchanges and markets.

It's important to note that a stock split does not change the company's market value, financial condition, or core business. It is merely an adjustment in the stock's nominal value and price intended to increase stock liquidity and market participation. Stock splits are a common corporate action, especially for high-priced stocks or companies looking to increase liquidity.

Frequently Asked Questions about Stock Splits

Why do companies perform stock splits?

The main purpose behind companies conducting stock splits is to enhance the liquidity and accessibility of their stocks, making them more attractive to a wider range of investors by lowering the price per share. This facilitates increased market participation and trading volume.

What impact do stock splits have on shareholders?

Stock splits typically do not materially affect the total value of a shareholder's stock holdings. While the number of shares they own increases, the price per share decreases proportionally, maintaining the same value of ownership. Stock splits do not change the proportion of shareholders' equity in the company.

How do stock splits affect stock prices?

Stock splits lead to a decrease in the price per share. After the split, the price per share is reduced accordingly, but the total value held by shareholders remains unchanged. This makes the stock price lower, easier for small investors to participate, and enhances the liquidity of the stock.

What is the difference between a stock split and a stock division? Stock split and stock division are two terms for the same concept, often used interchangeably to describe the action of increasing the number of issued shares and correspondingly reducing the price per share. In practice, the two terms can be used interchangeably.

Does a stock split affect the company's financial condition?

Stock splits typically do not have a material impact on a company's financial condition. The split is merely an adjustment of the stock's nominal value and price and does not change the company's market value, balance sheet, or income statement. It is a market and stock pricing strategy aimed at increasing stock liquidity and market participation.

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관련 백과

stock split

A stock split is a common corporate action aimed at improving stock liquidity and increasing investor participation. It can provide the company with a broader shareholder base and help boost the market value of its shares.

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