
Shanghai Industrial Development has issued a statement acknowledging violations.


Shangshi Development announced that it had received the "Notice of Administrative Penalty and Market Entry Ban," revealing that the company was found to have committed multiple and prolonged illegal acts during investigations by relevant departments.

For publicly traded companies, it is mandatory to disclose financial statements. Providing accurate financial information is a necessary duty for the company and related personnel. However, for various reasons, some companies and individuals may falsify financial reports by artificially creating or altering data in various ways, which is undoubtedly illegal.

On March 19, 2024, Shangshi Development announced that it had received a "Notice of Administrative Penalty and Market Entry Ban." For such administrative penalties, it is impossible and impermissible to conceal, so they also admitted to some of the illegal acts they had committed in the past in the announcement.


(Content source: Shanghai Industrial Development Co., Ltd.)

Shangshi Development, formally known as Shanghai Industrial Development Co., Ltd., was originally Shanghai Pudong Tinplate Co., Ltd. It went public in 1996 and was renamed Shanghai Industrial Development Co., Ltd. in 2003. Almost 30 years have passed since its IPO. As an established enterprise, it undoubtedly brings a more trustworthy feeling to many investors, compared to companies that have only been established for two or three years. However, the reality is not as it seems.

A month ago, Shangshi Development also announced it had received a government subsidy of 12.394 million yuan, but just a month later, it was exposed to have received an administrative penalty. According to the announcement, Shangshi Development was suspected of not timely disclosing expected operational losses, not timely disclosing the signing of significant contracts, and from 2016 to 2021, the annual reports were suspected of containing false records. The issues regarding responsible personnel have also been cleared up.

In the final part of the "Notice," the punishments for Shangshi Development and relevant personnel were disclosed. Shangshi Development was fined 8.5 million yuan, and seven individuals were fined between 750,000 to 4 million yuan, with the most severe punishment being given to Cao Wenlong. His fine was the highest among individuals at 4 million yuan, and he was also subject to a 10-year ban from the securities market, forbidding him from engaging in any securities-related work or holding senior positions in publicly traded companies.

The "overturn" of Shangshi Development serves as a warning to other companies and individuals who harbor hope of evading the law. The financial market is not a place outside the law. Once one harbors ill intentions and strays onto the wrong path, only strict legal penalties and sanctions await them!



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The End



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