
What is "Blank selling"? What issues should we pay attention to regarding "Blank selling"?


"Blank selling" is a stock market strategy where investors borrow shares to sell, then reborrow and resell them, hoping the stock price drops to profit.

What is Short Over Short?

"Short Over Short" is a financial term commonly used in the stock market, referring to the strategy where an investor borrows and sells shares, then borrows the same amount of the same shares again and sells them, hoping to profit from a decline in the stock price.

Specifically, the process of "Short Over Short" includes the following steps:

  1. An investor borrows a certain amount of shares and sells them, thereby holding a short position.
  2. When the stock price falls, the investor borrows the same amount of the same shares again and sells them, continuing to hold a short position.
  3. When the stock price drops to the investor's targeted price, the investor repurchases the same amount of shares to close the position, realizing a profit from the price difference.

The purpose of "Short Over Short" is to profit from the fall in stock prices. However, it is important to note that this is a high-risk strategy because if the stock price rises, the investor may face unlimited loss potential. Moreover, "Short Over Short" may be subject to market rules, laws, or regulatory restrictions, and may not be allowed or may be restricted in some markets.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Short Over Short

Short Over Short is a financial strategy that capitalizes on the price decline of an asset to earn the profit from the difference. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of the Short Over Short strategy:


  • Earning profits in a declining market: Short Over Short allows investors to benefit from market downturns, opposite to the traditional buy-low strategy. This enables investors to make gains in varying market conditions, enhancing the diversity of the investment portfolio.
  • Hedging risks: Short Over Short can serve as a hedging method for investment portfolios. By short selling assets, investors can offset the loss in value of other held assets partially or fully.
  • Providing market liquidity: The Short Over Short strategy increases market liquidity, as it offers buying opportunities for other investors, thus fostering market transaction activities.


  • High risk: Short Over Short faces the potential of unlimited risks. If the asset price rises instead of falling, investors need to purchase the asset at a higher price to close the position, which could lead to significant losses.
  • Market limitations: In some markets and countries, Short Over Short may be subject to legal, regulation, or regulatory limitations. Investors need to comply with relevant rules and restrictions and understand the specific requirements of the market.
  • Risk of information asymmetry: The Short Over Short strategy might face the risk of information asymmetry. Investors need to conduct thorough research and analysis on the relevant asset and market to make accurate judgments.

Common Questions About Short Over Short

Here are answers to common questions about Short Over Short:

What is Short Over Short?

Short Over Short is a financial strategy where an investor shorts an asset anticipating a price decline, then shorts the same asset again during the price decline to profit from the price difference.

How is Short Over Short different from a short position?

Short Over Short refers to shorting an asset anticipating a price decline and shorting again during the decline. In contrast, a short position is when an investor sells an asset expecting its price to fall and plans to buy back at a lower price to close the position and profit.

What is the purpose of Short Over Short?

The purpose of Short Over Short is to profit from the price decline of an asset by short selling, believing the asset's price will fall and continuously short selling to realize profits.

How is the risk managed in Short Over Short?

The main risk faced by the Short Over Short strategy is market reversal, i.e., when the asset price rises. To manage the risk, investors should set stop-loss points and limit position sizes, adhering strictly to risk management strategies.

Is Short Over Short legal?

Short Over Short is a legal financial strategy in most markets. However, specific laws, regulations, and regulatory requirements may vary by market and country. Investors should comply with the relevant laws and regulations of their market and country.

In which markets can Short Over Short be used?

Short Over Short can be used in various markets, including the stock market, futures market, and forex market. However, Short Over Short transactions may be restricted or prohibited in some markets.

The above answers provide a basic understanding and address common questions about Short Over Short. The specifics may vary by market and product. Investors should thoroughly understand the relevant rules and risks in their actual trading and consult professionals when necessary.

Cảnh báo về rủi ro và từ chối trách nhiệm

Thị trường có rủi ro, việc đầu tư cần thận trọng. Bài viết này không phải là lời khuyên đầu tư cá nhân và không xem xét các mục tiêu, tình hình tài chính hoặc nhu cầu đặc biệt của người dùng. Người dùng nên xem xét xem bất kỳ ý kiến, quan điểm hoặc kết luận nào trong bài viết có phù hợp với tình hình cụ thể của họ hay không. Việc đầu tư dựa trên bài viết này là trách nhiệm của từng người.

Kết thúc

Bài viết liên quan

Short Selling

A short selling strategy requires investors to have strong market analysis skills and risk management awareness. They should also implement appropriate risk control measures, such as setting stop-loss orders or reasonably diversifying their investment portfolios to minimize risk.

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