Recently, TraderKnows has received inquiries from several users asking whether a person named Kawasaki Keisuke is employed at our company. To ensure user awareness and safety, we hereby solemnly declare that there is no employee by the name of Kawasaki Keisuke at TraderKnows. Anyone claiming to represent TraderKnows or contacting you under this name is likely engaging in telecom fraud.
We advise all users to remain vigilant and guard against deception. Do not trust any recommendations for investment projects or promises of high returns made under this name. Such unfounded promises are often tactics used by scammers to obtain money. To protect your personal property, we advise you to report any such incidents promptly to local judicial authorities or the police, and do not trust investment advice from strangers or unknown sources.
TraderKnows is committed to providing users with accurate and reliable financial company information. We greatly value user feedback and safety. Thank you for your understanding and support. We will continue to uphold the platform's transparency and fairness, offering better services to our users.
The TraderKnows Team