
FxPro Forex: Daily Technical Analysis before the European Market Opens, April 2, 2024


FxPro Forex: Daily Technical Analysis before the European Market Opens on April 2, 2024

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EUR/USD   GBP/USD   Spot Gold   EUR/JPY   EUR/GBP   USD/CHF   Germany DAX Index Futures (Eurex)   Brent Crude (ICE)   UK FTSE 100 Index Futures  

Kindly note: Due to market fluctuations, prices may have moved past key points, rendering strategies ineffective.

Spot Gold Throughout the day: Bullish above 2236.00.

Pivot point:


Trading strategy:

Bullish above 2236.00, with target prices at 2265.00, followed by 2275.00.

Alternative strategy:

Bearish below 2236.00, with target prices at 2228.00, then 2219.00.

Technical comments:

RSI indicator signals bullishness.


GBP/USD Throughout the day: Immediate resistance at 1.2575.

Pivot point:


Trading strategy:

Bearish below 1.2575, with target prices at 1.2525, then 1.2500.

Alternative strategy:

Bullish above 1.2575, with target prices at 1.2600, followed by 1.2625.

Technical comments:

As long as the resistance of 1.2575 is not breached, there's a high chance of breaking below 1.2525.


EUR/USD Throughout the day: Under pressure.

Pivot point:


Trading strategy:

Bearish below 1.0760, with target prices at 1.0720, then 1.0700.

Alternative strategy:

Bullish above 1.0760, with target prices at 1.0785, followed by 1.0805.

Technical comments:

The RSI indicator's trend is complex, leaning towards a decline.


EUR/JPY Throughout the day: Potential for a rise, with targets at 163.65.

The pivot point is:


Trading strategy:

Potential for a rise, with targets at 163.65.

Alternative strategy:

If it falls below 162.45, EUR/JPY target directions are set at 162 and 161.73.

Technical comments :

The RSI indicator is below 50. MACD indicator is bearish and above its signal line. Moreover, prices are below their 20-day and 50-day moving averages (situated at 162.85 and 163.03, respectively).


EUR/GBP Throughout the day: Gradual decline, if 0.8565 hinders upward movement, then aim for 0.8536.

0.8565 as the pivot point.

Trading strategy:

Gradual decline, if 0.8565 hinders upward movement, then target 0.8536.

Alternative strategy:

Breaking above 0.8565 will bring a continuing upward trend, with targets at 0.8575 and 0.8582.

Technical comments :

The RSI indicator is below the neutral zone 50. MACD is bullish and below its signal line. Besides, the price is below its 20-day moving average (0.8558) but above its 50-day moving average (0.8552).


USD/CHF Throughout the day: Further uptrend.

Pivot point:


Trading strategy:

Bullish above 0.9035, with target prices at 0.9080, then 0.9095.

Alternative strategy:

Bearish below 0.9035, with target prices at 0.9015, then 0.9000.

Technical comments:

RSI indicator is bullish, indicating a potential for further uptrend.


Germany DAX Index Futures (Eurex) (M4) Throughout the day: Bullish above 18725.00.

Pivot point:


Trading strategy:

Bullish above 18725.00, with target prices at 18820.00, then 18866.00.

Alternative strategy:

Bearish below 18725.00, with target prices at 18660.00, then 18605.00.

Technical comments:

RSI indicator shows a complex trend, leaning towards an uptrend.


Brent Crude (ICE) (M4) Throughout the day: Heading towards 89.00.

Pivot point:


Trading strategy:

Bullish above 87.00, with target prices at 88.30, then 89.00.

Alternative strategy:

Bearish below 87.00, with target prices at 86.50, then 86.00.

Technical comments:

RSI indicator displays a further uptrend.


UK FTSE 100 Index Futures Throughout the day: Bullish above 7973.00.

Pivot point:


Trading strategy:

Bullish above 7973.00, with target prices at 8005.00, then 8019.00.

Alternative strategy:

Bearish below 7973.00, with target prices at 7958.00, then 7945.00.

Technical comments:

RSI indicator points to a new upward trend.


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Thị trường có rủi ro, việc đầu tư cần thận trọng. Bài viết này không phải là lời khuyên đầu tư cá nhân và không xem xét các mục tiêu, tình hình tài chính hoặc nhu cầu đặc biệt của người dùng. Người dùng nên xem xét xem bất kỳ ý kiến, quan điểm hoặc kết luận nào trong bài viết có phù hợp với tình hình cụ thể của họ hay không. Việc đầu tư dựa trên bài viết này là trách nhiệm của từng người.

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Bài viết liên quan

Technical Analysis

Technical Analysis is a financial market analysis method that predicts future price trends by statistically and graphically analyzing historical data such as prices, trading volumes, and indicators.

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