
Global market volatility intensifies, driven by precious metals and energy price shifts.


The global market is experiencing increased volatility due to multiple economic and geopolitical pressures, with precious metals and energy prices continuing to attract attention.

Recently, the volatility of global financial markets has further intensified, especially evident in the precious metals and energy markets. As the Federal Reserve is about to announce its latest rate decision, the market is filled with uncertainty about the future direction of monetary policy, significantly affecting investor sentiment. According to recent data, international precious metal prices continue to fluctuate, with gold and silver hovering at high levels, while international oil prices also show a slight upward trend, reflecting market concerns about future economic prospects.

In the precious metals market, gold prices have made a minor adjustment after breaking historical highs recently, but overall remain in a high range. Analysts point out that with the Federal Reserve expected to start a new round of rate cuts, the demand for gold as a safe-haven asset will remain strong. However, recent core CPI data in the United States slightly above market expectations has raised concerns about inflation risk, which may further increase the volatility of precious metal prices.

In the energy market, international oil prices are also showing an upward trend. Despite a slowdown in global economic growth expectations and concerns about future oil demand, policy changes in the US and other major economies have provided support for oil prices. Additionally, news of Russia continuing to supply natural gas to Europe via Ukraine has also provided stability to the energy market.

As of now, global markets will still face multiple influencing factors, especially the Federal Reserve's rate decision and developments in the Middle East. Investors need to closely monitor the progress of these key events to timely adjust their investment strategies to cope with market fluctuations.

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