
The big reveal of base salaries in forex sales, come see if you are lagging behind!


Outstanding sales personnel are highly sought after, yet some merely coast on base salary. How do different platforms compensate their sales staff? Check if your salary is keeping up!

TraderKnows has interviewed and collected base salary data from 30 platforms through various channels. (Note: This data is only applicable to the mainland region and only accounts for base salary. Variables such as assessment and commission are not included in the statistics, and TraderKnows cannot guarantee the accuracy of the data, which is for entertainment and reference only.)

Sales Salaries

Currency: RMB

  • Average (Mean): 5712.9
  • Median: 6000
  • Mode: 6000
  • Range: 2500
  • Minimum (Min): 4500
  • Maximum (Max): 7000

From the statistical results above, we can see that the industry's average salary is 5712.9 RMB. It's worth noting that the median and mode are remarkably consistent: both are 6000 yuan, indicating that most sales staff's base salaries are concentrated around 6000 yuan. It seems that a base salary of 6000 RMB is a commonly adopted standard in the industry, which also meets the minimum wage requirements of most regions.

However, compared to other industries, a salary around 6000 can only be considered average. According to a brokerage manager interviewed, the main reason for the generally low sales salaries lies in the fact that some salespeople are only "coasting", leading brokerages to generally not offer high wages. Additionally, due to the industry's uniqueness, some sales positions are remote, which has led to the emergence of "base salary brothers/sisters" who hold several brokerage sales positions simultaneously. This is an indirect reason for the decline in sales salary levels compared to previous years.

Despite the overall poor market performance, there are still a few generous brokers willing to offer salaries above the market average. The difference in base salary between the lowest (a broker starting with the letter W) and the highest (a broker starting with the letter E) is 2500 RMB, showing that choosing the right brokerage to slack off with a salary is truly crucial.


So, have you been slacking off with pay in front of the screen today?

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The End


Forex brokers

Forex brokers refer to the companies or individuals that offer individuals and corporate customers access to trade in the forex market. These brokers act as intermediaries between the clients and the global forex market, enabling investors to buy and sell various currency pairs.

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