
FOREXpro Markets Ltd is suspected of fraud: Stay vigilant!


In financial markets, the legality and reliability of forex brokers are crucial for investors. FOREXpro Markets Ltd is a new broker with inconsistent and suspicious information. This review urges investors to exercise caution and remain vigilant when

1. What Kind of Broker is FOREXpro Markets Ltd?

FOREXpro Markets Ltd (www.forexpro-fx.com) is a suspicious broker pretending to be associated with Morgan Stanley, with its domain registered on June 26, 2024. The platform once claimed to offer investment services in stocks, forex, commodities, precious metals, indices, and cryptocurrencies. However, recent changes to the transaction information on its website have significantly reduced its transparency, further raising suspicions of fraud.

2. Background and Domain Information of FOREXpro Markets Ltd

According to the official website of FOREXpro Markets Ltd (https://www.forexpro-fx.com/index.html?lang=en#), this broker claims to provide financial services and alleges affiliation with Morgan Stanley (https://www.morganstanley.com/). Morgan Stanley is a globally renowned financial institution with high market credibility and investor trust. However, further investigation and analysis reveal that the information on this platform is not as reliable as it appears.

The domain registration time of the platform shows June 28, 2024, indicating its short existence. Compared to mature brokers that have operated in the market for many years, this recent registration date has aroused skepticism among many investors. Typically, legitimate financial service platforms have a clear and verified company background, and investors can easily access their registration information and management team details. However, domain checks for this platform failed to uncover any detailed information related to its corporate entity, further intensifying doubts about its legitimacy.

FOREX Regulatory Information

FOREX Domain Information

3. Is FOREXpro Markets Ltd Legally Regulated?

In the financial market, legitimate forex brokers are typically supervised by multiple regulatory bodies to ensure the transparency and safety of their operations. FOREXpro Markets Ltd claims to be regulated by the Canadian RRIOC, the US National Futures Association (NFA), and the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), license number 123/10, as well as the South African Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA), license number 46990. However, this is not the reality.

Firstly, the official website of FOREXpro Markets Ltd claims that its corporate entity is Morgan Stanley and that it is supervised by these regulatory agencies. While Morgan Stanley, as a globally recognized financial institution, is indeed strictly regulated, especially in Canada and the US, searches of these regulatory agencies' official databases did not reveal any registration information for FOREXpro Markets Ltd. Neither the Canadian RRIOC nor the US NFA databases contain legally registered or regulated records related to this platform.

Secondly, further checks revealed that the CySEC website shows license number 123/10 belongs to Colmex Pro Ltd, and the FSCA website shows license number 46990 belongs to COLMEX PRO LIMITED. These two licenses actually belong to the broker Colmex Pro and not FOREXpro Markets Ltd. Additionally, the design and content of the FOREXpro Markets Ltd website are plagiarized from the Colmex Pro website.

Finally, further checks revealed that the actual corporate entity of FOREXpro Markets Ltd is not Morgan Stanley, and its regulatory information is unclear. The inconsistencies in information further prove that the platform has serious issues with information disclosure, likely using false advertising to attract investors.

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4. Is the Market Investigation by FOREXpro Markets Ltd Trustworthy?

To further verify the credibility of FOREXpro Markets Ltd, we conducted an extensive market investigation on the platform. However, the results show that there is almost no information about this site in other financial markets. This indicates that the platform has not gained recognition in global or regional financial markets.

In legitimate financial markets, established forex brokers usually conduct market promotion and business expansion through multiple channels and their related market information can be easily found. Legitimate platforms are typically reviewed by financial experts and appear in investor reviews and feedback. However, there is extremely limited, if not non-existent, market information about FOREXpro Markets Ltd. This lack of transparency and market presence raises even more doubts about its credibility among investors.

Additionally, some user feedback about FOREXpro Markets Ltd indicates potential fraudulent activities. According to some investors, they encountered difficulties withdrawing funds or noticed anomalies in account balances when trading on this platform. Such feedback further exacerbates concerns about the legality of the platform, suggesting that its operations may not be transparent.

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5. Obvious Doubts in the Website Design of FOREXpro Markets Ltd

The website design of FOREXpro Markets Ltd also raises doubts. After detailed comparisons, it was found that the website design and layout are strikingly similar to those of platforms like HotForex Ltd (https://www.hotforexltd.com/index.html) and gffxxforex (https://www.gffxxforex.com/index.html). Such similarities suggest possible design plagiarism, a common tactic used by fraudulent platforms to borrow the credibility of well-known brands to attract investors. Given the exposure of false regulatory information and opaque company background issues, the resemblance to other suspicious platforms further heightens the suspicion of fraud for FOREXpro Markets Ltd. Investors should be cautious and avoid any financial transactions on such platforms.

FOREX Website Design

Similar FOREX Website Design

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6. How to Protect Yourself from Platforms like FOREXpro Markets Ltd

In the forex trading market, investors should always remain vigilant and choose transparently and legally regulated platforms for transactions. Here are a few suggestions to help investors protect their funds from platforms like FOREXpro Markets Ltd:

6.1 Verify Regulatory Information
When choosing a forex broker, be sure to verify through official channels whether it is supervised by legitimate regulatory bodies. For example, you can directly search for the broker's registration information on the official websites of the Canadian RRIOC, US NFA, and MSB. If no relevant records can be found, it indicates that the platform might be unregulated.

6.2 Check Company Background
Legitimate brokers usually have clear corporate entity information, including company registration location, management team, and establishment time. By querying company registration information, investors can determine whether the platform has legal qualifications.

6.3 Pay Attention to Market Reputation
When choosing a forex broker, it is advisable to refer to feedback and market evaluations from other investors. Legitimate platforms typically have abundant market feedback and investor evaluations, while fraudulent platforms often lack genuine positive reviews.

6.4 Ensure Fund Security
Investors should choose platforms that have fund segregation policies to ensure their funds are not misappropriated by the platform. Legitimate platforms usually implement fund segregation policies, managing customer funds separately from company operating funds to enhance fund security.

7. Conclusion

FOREXpro Markets Ltd claims to be affiliated with Morgan Stanley, but its actual operations have numerous suspicious aspects. Through in-depth investigation, we found significant issues with the platform's corporate entity information, regulatory qualifications, and market feedback. Investors should exercise high caution when considering this platform and avoid hasty investments without thorough verification. Based on the currently available information, it is highly likely that this platform is a scam, aiming to defraud investors through false advertising and misleading information.

8. FAQs

Q1. Is FOREXpro Markets Ltd a legitimate forex broker?

A. Based on current investigation results, FOREXpro Markets Ltd has not provided sufficient evidence to prove its legitimacy.

Q2. Is FOREXpro Markets Ltd associated with Morgan Stanley?

A. Although FOREXpro Markets Ltd claims to be affiliated with Morgan Stanley, no evidence supporting this claim was found in actual investigations.

Q3. Which regulatory bodies oversee FOREXpro Markets Ltd?

A. FOREXpro Markets Ltd claims to be regulated by the Canadian RRIOC, the US NFA, and the MSB. However, searches in official databases revealed no registration information related to this platform. Therefore, it is likely not regulated by any legitimate regulatory bodies.

Q4. How can investors verify the legitimacy of FOREXpro Markets Ltd?

A. Investors can verify through the websites of official regulatory bodies, such as the Canadian RRIOC and the US NFA, to check if the platform has legitimate registration records. If no relevant information is found, it suggests that the platform might be unregulated and should be avoided.

Q5. Is the invested capital safe on FOREXpro Markets Ltd?

A. According to some user feedback, investors encountered difficulties in withdrawing funds or noticed anomalies in their account balances when using the platform. This indicates potential risks of fund misappropriation or fraud, making the safety of invested capital questionable.

Q6. What is the reputation of the FOREXpro Markets Ltd platform?

A. During market investigations, the platform's lack of transparency and market presence raised doubts among investors about its credibility. It is recommended to choose reputable and legally regulated platforms for trading.

Q7. How to avoid forex trading platform scams?

A. When choosing a forex platform, investors should verify regulatory information through official channels, check the platform's company background, and pay attention to market feedback. Additionally, ensure that the selected platform has fund segregation policies to safeguard fund security.

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The market carries risks, and investment should be cautious. This article does not constitute personal investment advice and has not taken into account individual users' specific investment goals, financial situations, or needs. Users should consider whether any opinions, viewpoints, or conclusions in this article are suitable for their particular circumstances. Investing based on this is at one's own responsibility.

The End


Forex brokers

Forex brokers refer to the companies or individuals that offer individuals and corporate customers access to trade in the forex market. These brokers act as intermediaries between the clients and the global forex market, enabling investors to buy and sell various currency pairs.


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