
Is Ridder Trader Group legal? What legal responsibilities do Light Business Academy members bear?

Ridder Trader
Ridder Trader

RTG Ridder Brokerage, a Ponzi scheme, siphons mainland funds. How long can it last, and what legal consequences await Ridder Forex participants? Trading Encyclopedia reveals all.

Ridder Forex, yet another company exploiting artificial intelligence as a gimmick for criminal financial activities. They've created a so-called MOPAI AI trading system to deceive unwitting investors.

Many investors are familiar with what a financial scheme (Ponzi scheme) is, and despite knowing such, many still take their chances participating in it. However, most are unaware of the legal consequences of their involvement in these schemes, leading to regret when finally apprehended. This article is not to uncover how Ridder Forex defrauds (it’s too obvious with flaws everywhere; one can simply call judicial institutions for consultations to know the truth) but rather to educate the participants of Ridder Forex on legal knowledge.

First, let's identify the participants in a financial scheme:

  1. The top echelons of Ridder Forex, the project initiators
  2. Middle management of Ridder Forex, including city team leaders
  3. Lower-level local promotion team leaders of Ridder Forex
  4. Terminal investors

Starting with the top echelons, the initiators of Ridder Forex. The scheme is very likely started by individuals from Singapore and Malaysia, as most of the instructors promoted on their official website are from these countries. After all, Malaysia is also a stronghold for financial schemes. Normally, the project leaders you see in public are just the front men; the real bosses behind the scenes do not show up. This so-called Ridder Asia Pacific Market Director, Jaden Pan (probably a pseudonym), is just a scapegoat placed upfront, who will take the blame when the project fails and quietly accept compensation.

jaden pan

The middle management of Ridder Forex, the city team leaders. These individuals are the most despicable for knowingly breaking the law for personal gain, causing countless families to be destroyed. They are also the most dangerous since the big bosses in Singapore and Malaysia, having made their money, won't care about the fate of these local operatives. Chinese court documents have been publishing verdicts on major financial schemes like Puton Forex and Sea Exchange International. Most of the arrested are these team leaders.


The lower-level local promotion team leaders of Ridder Forex, might not be highly ranked or aware of the operational logic of Ridder Forex. Seeing returns, they continuously recruit relatives and friends to join these schemes, unknowingly committing crimes. Eventually, they face betrayal and end up burdened with massive debt.


Lastly, the most innocent terminal investors, who might have invested based on trust in friends and relatives claiming Ridder Forex was a credible investment, only to face the worst outcomes - losing friends, turning relatives away, and losing their money. It is a situation with no help from heaven or earth.

So, which laws do the participants of Ridder Forex and Right Business School infringe upon, and what are the potential sentences?

  1. Illegal operations, firstly, forex margin trading is illegal in mainland China, so investors’ rights are not protected by law. The operators and team leaders of Ridder Forex are conducting illegal operations. The potential sentences are as follows:
    1. For serious cases, a sentence of up to five years in prison or detention, and a fine of one to five times the illegal income;
    2. For particularly serious cases, a sentence of more than five years in prison, and a fine of one to five times the illegal income or confiscation of property.

Legal basis: Article 225 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China
【Crime of Illegal Business Operation】 Violating state regulations, engaging in one of the following illegal business operations that disrupt market order, if the circumstances are serious, the punishment can be up to five years in prison or detention, and a fine of one to five times the illegal income or separately; if the circumstances are especially serious, the punishment can be more than five years in prison, and a fine of one to five times the illegal income or confiscation of property:

2. Illegal absorption of public deposits, Ridder Forex and Right Business School lack any financial qualifications, and foreign regulation does not protect domestic property safety. In China, Ridder Trader and Right Business School are illegal. Suspected of the crime of illegally absorbing public deposits.

Legal basis: Article 176 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China The crime of illegally absorbing public deposits or disguised absorption of public deposits, disrupting financial order, results in up to three years in prison or detention, and a fine of twenty thousand to two hundred thousand yuan; for enormous sums or other serious circumstances, three to ten years in prison, and a fine of fifty thousand to five hundred thousand yuan.

Those team leaders, those continuing to recruit for Ridder Forex and Right Business School, do you dare to continue serving Ridder Forex after reading this?

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