
Market Insights: Dec 7th, 2023


Market highlights on December 7th cover the economy and stock market updates, and significant corporate developments.

Economic and Stock Market Updates:

  1. U.S. Stock Market and Economic Indicators: U.S. equities concluded the session in negative territory, with the Nasdaq Composite index descending to a two-week nadir. The U.S. dollar exhibited strength, while WTI crude oil futures plummeted below $70, marking a nadir not witnessed since June. The November ADP Employment Report indicated a subpar increment in job additions, with wage growth registering a two-year low, indicative of a deceleration in economic expansion.
  2. Global Market Anticipation and Policy Adjustments: Despite the European Central Bank's endeavors to shape market sentiments, the prevailing market outlook envisages six interest rate reductions totaling 150 basis points in the upcoming year, potentially commencing as early as March. The recently formulated investment guidelines for the National Social Security Fund sanction an augmentation of the upper limit for equity asset investments to 40%, concurrently mitigating management fees for externally managed investment portfolios.

Significant Corporate Developments:

  1. Major Corporate Developments: NVIDIA CEO announces the introduction of new products for the Chinese market that comply with U.S. regulations. Wanda Group, under the leadership of Wang Jianlin, once again transfers 51% equity in Wanda Film, potentially leading to a complete change of ownership for Wanda Film.
  2. New Developments in the Field of Artificial Intelligence: Google launches a new artificial intelligence model named Gemini, reportedly outperforming GPT-4 in multiple benchmark tests.

Other Important News:

  1. Hongqiang Holdings Resumes Trading: Hongqiang Holdings (08262) resumes trading after announcing first-quarter performance.
  2. Regal Holdings Group Trading Suspension: Regal Holdings Group (08079) suspends trading, awaiting the release of insider information that may impact stock prices.
  3. Renminbi Central Parity Adjustment: The central parity of the Renminbi against the U.S. Dollar has been adjusted.
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Forex Margin Trading

Forex margin trading, also known as forex leverage trading or forex trading, is a form of financial derivative trading that involves buying and selling contracts for different currency pairs in the forex market.

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