
Tesla's Cybertruck delivery reportedly halted due to quality issues.


Tesla has recently been plagued by a never-ending series of problems, with new negative news breaking almost every week. Most recently, its Cybertruck has been reported to have halted deliveries due to quality issues.

Recently, there have been reports claiming that Tesla's truck brand, Cybertruck, quietly paused deliveries last week, and it's likely that this pause is related to an issue with the truck's accelerator pedal.

This leak comes from a Cybertruck owner who received a delivery delay notification last week. Some Cybertrucks that were originally scheduled for delivery this week have been postponed to April 20th. According to the owner's blog, this incident is due to a problem with the truck's accelerator pedal.

This incident is the latest challenge faced by Tesla, which has been experiencing turmoil recently. Not only have there been product issues, but Tesla also announced global layoffs of more than 10%, leading to a continued decline in Tesla's stock price.

Tesla has not responded to the delay in delivery caused by this quality issue, and as of now, there has been no public acknowledgment of any delivery delay incidents.

However, Tesla's lack of acknowledgment is of little use, as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) publicly stated they are aware of the problem with the Cybertruck's accelerator pedal. They are trying to contact Tesla for more information, but they have not officially initiated an investigation as of yet.



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