
What is a "Tower Bottom"? What kind of signal is it?


The tower bottom is a candlestick pattern showing a stock's bottoming and rebound in a downtrend. It begins with a long bearish candle, followed by smaller ones, and ends with a larger bullish candle.

What is a Tower Bottom?

A Tower Bottom is a candlestick pattern indicating a signal of a price bottoming and a subsequent rebound. It typically appears during a downward price trend. In a falling market, the price initially drops with a long bearish candle, then the descent slows down, followed by a series of bullish or small bearish candles. As the decline gradually decelerates, a long bullish candle eventually emerges, where the body of the bullish candle ideally exceeds the body of the first large bearish candle. The length of the candle body reflects the power struggle between bulls and bears, with a longer bullish body indicating stronger buying force.

What is the difference between a Tower Bottom and a Tower Top?

Tower Bottom and Tower Top are two opposing candlestick patterns, representing different market trends and expectations.

Tower Bottom

  • Trend Reversal Pattern: The Tower Bottom is a typical trend reversal pattern, usually appearing as a downtrend nears its end.
  • Pattern Characteristics: The Tower Bottom pattern starts with a long bearish candle, followed by a series of bullish or small bearish candles, ending with a long bullish candle.
  • Meaning: The Tower Bottom pattern suggests a reversal of a downward trend and a price rebound. The emergence of a long bullish candle indicates an increase in buying force.

Tower Top

  • Trend Reversal Pattern: The Tower Top is a typical trend reversal pattern, often occurring as an uptrend is nearing its end.
  • Pattern Characteristics: The Tower Top pattern begins with a large or medium bullish candle, followed by a series of small bearish or small bullish candles, and ends with a large or medium bearish candle.
  • Meaning: The Tower Top pattern indicates a reversal of an upward trend and a price decline. The emergence of a large or medium bearish candle signifies an increase in selling force.

In summary, Tower Bottom and Tower Top are two common trend reversal patterns in technical analysis. The Tower Bottom pattern forecasts a reversal of a downward trend and a price rebound, while the Tower Top pattern forecasts a reversal of an upward trend and a price decline. Investors can use these patterns to assist in assessing market trends, but it's important to note that technical analysis tools cannot guarantee future price movements. Other factors should be considered, and appropriate risk management strategies should be applied.

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관련 백과

Tower Bottom

A tower bottom is a technical analysis term used to describe a pattern seen in the price charts of financial assets, where a continuous downward trend transitions into a gradually flattening or rising trend. This pattern typically forms after a prolonged downward trend followed by a reversal in price.

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