
Australasian Capital Pty Ltd’s Australian financial license is suspended; Hyphe gains BaF.


Australasian Capital Pty Ltd's Australian financial license is suspended. Nasdaq hires ex-UBS exec Sarah Youngwood as CFO. Hyphe receives German BaFin approval to serve financial institutions.

1. Australasian Capital Pty Ltd's Australian Financial Services License is Suspended

Due to Australasian having ceased its financial services operations and failing to meet its financial reporting obligations for the periods ending June 30, 2021, and June 30, 2022, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) will suspend the Australian Financial Services (AFS) license of Australasian Capital Pty Ltd (Australasian) for one year, until August 25, 2024. Should Australasian fail to fulfill its obligations by the end of the suspension period, ASIC may consider taking further action.

2. Nasdaq Hires Former UBS Executive Sarah Youngwood as Chief Financial Officer

Former Swiss bank executive Sarah Youngwood has been appointed as the new Chief Financial Officer, starting December 1 at Nasdaq, taking over from the outgoing Ann Dennison. Sarah holds dual French and American citizenship and has held significant positions at UBS and J.P. Morgan.

3. Hyphe Secures BaFin License in Germany to Serve Financial Institutions

Digital asset liquidity provider Hyphe announced that its German subsidiary, Hyphe Markets GmbH, has obtained a BaFin license, allowing it to offer trading services to regulated financial institutions in Germany.

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